Firefly Jar Owner's Manual
Inspired by this Firefly Lamp on Etsy, I made my own version. The difference being that the LEDs are held in micro-sockets and thus the owner can change the LED configuration at her discretion. Things to watch out for:
- Never let the micro-sockets touch each other. If you do, you will cause a short and though you're using only AA batteries, there's enough current to do serious damage (i.e., melt the metal in the battery holder - I learned this through experience) and maybe even start a fire. Version 3 will probably have an inline fuse.
- Insert your LEDs with correct polarity. The longer lead is always positive and must be inserted into the red micro-socket. If for some odd reason, the LED leads are the same length, look at the side of the LED - the negative lead side is flattened. This lead should go into the black micro-socket.
- Never let your LED leads touch each other (this is another version of #1). If you have multiple LEDs in the micro-sockets, make sure leads from an LED does not touch the leads on another LED. You can add some Scotch Tape "wings" to the leads to insulate them but that's homework for the reader.
- Insert the batteries with correct polarity. Duh. The battery holder has indicators showing which direction the batteries should face.