Posted and answered my own question regarding Google Web Toolkit.
The way to handle non-GWT POSTs in GWT servlet is to:
Override the service(...) method. If your servlet inherits from GWT's RemoteServiceServlet, you can't override doPost as RemoteServiceServlet has marked it final.
Figure out some way to distinguish a GWT POST from a non-GWT POST. The easiest way is to add a hidden field (i.e., ) and check for that parameter value in the service(...) method. If that parameter isn't there, then call super.service(...) so that GWT calls can go through.
Declared the servlet in MODULE.gwt.xml like any other servlet (GWT or not).
Since I use Instantiation's GWT Designer, it automatically generates the service's Async interface java file, implementation java file, and servlet entry in the MODULE.gwt.xml file. Thus all I do is add the service(...) method in the implementation file.
boscomonkey wrote:
> In our GWT app, we have a login dialog box that pops up to handle fresh
> users or users whose sessions have timed out. Now we wish to accept
> username/password POSTs from our static web site or even affiliate web
> sites. What are some approaches for handling POSTs from outside the GWT
> app?
> It seems that one simple approach is to write a standard servlet that
> implements doPost, place it in our GWT app's server package space, and
> if users authenticate properly, redirect to our GWT app's URL. In this
> case, do I have to map this servlet in our MODULE.gwt.xml? What's the
> URL to this servlet?